As I lay in bed this morning willing my eyes to open I was half listening to CBC radio’s morning show. They were interviewing a woman working in HR at Ledcor. They are on a hiring spree, trying to hire
9,000 new employees this year. My eyes opened wider...9,000 people? In one year? Folks, this is yet another sign that the good times are back in Alberta! The HR representative stated that Ledcor is aiming to hire employees from within Alberta but is also trying to recruit internationally. This latest news should bring great things for the housing industry in Edmonton; more people working, more people moving here from other places = housing demand.
If you are someone that is sitting on the fence wondering if now is a good time to buy I would say it may be time to hop off that fence, find yourself a good Realtor and start looking at houses. Interest rates are very low and there is a lot of inventory to choose from. This may not be the case for long.
If you would like a referral to a good Realtor, I know several that are trustworthy, kind and patient. Just drop me a line and I will put you in touch with someone.
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